Belive in love минусовка

Неплохая фонограмма песни Im belive in love в исполнении Lilo доступна в mp3 формате, а также караоке и минусовка, можно найти текст песни, посмотреть интересный видеоклип или просто слушать музыку онлайн без забот!

Дата: 2016-09-08

Длинна песни: 02:51

Рейтинг: 0     Мне нравится     Мне не нравится

Текст: 201

СкачатьРазмер файла - 6.52 MB
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Текст песни:

I had nine lives but I lost all of them and Ive been searching in the night and Ive been searching in the rain I tried to find them but they disappeared they walked away they dressed in black they left my side and all I say is that I wasted time when I looked for them for now I know that things gone past are never to be found again no never never again I had nine lives but lost all of them I had a plan but never finished it and Ive been searching for the thought and Ive been searching in a haze I try all days to remember it but now the blueprint in my mind has gone my mind forgot the colour of direction and my eyes they see the hands that could have built that could have constructed the empire in my mind the empire Ill never find I had a plan but that was where it ended

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